Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
WatchKit App Development Essentials: Apps for the Apple Watch
Post under iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch Programming on Sat May 30, 2015
This book is intended for readers with some existing experience of iOS development using Xcode and the Swift programming language. Beginning with the basics, this book provides an introduction to WatchKit apps and the WatchKit app development.
O'Reilly® Test-Driven Development with Python (Harry Percival)
Post under Python Programming and Software Engineering on Sat May 23, 2015
By taking you through the development of a real web application from beginning to end, this hands-on guide demonstrates the practical advantages of test-driven development (TDD) with Python.
Bioscience and the Good Life (Iain Brassington)
Post under Miscellaneous Books and Computational Biology on Sat May 23, 2015
This book explores the complex relationship between modern biosciences and human flourishing, their sympathies and schisms, and the instances of their reconciliation. Many aspects are examined within the context of what constitutes a life well lived.
Scrum and XP from the Trenches, 2nd Edition (Henrik Kniberg)
Post under Agile, Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP) on Sat May 16, 2015
This book aims to give you a head start by providing a detailed down-to-earth account of how one company implemented Scrum and XP with a team of approximately 40 people and how they continuously improved their process over a year�s time.
Managing Agile Open-Source Software Projects with Visual Studio
Post under Open Source, Agile, Scrum, and Microsoft Programming on Sat May 16, 2015
This book is for Agile development teams and their Scrum Masters who want to explore and learn from the authors' "dogfooding" experiences and their continuous adaptation of software requirements management.
Objective-C 2.0 Essentials, Third Edition (Neil Smyth)
Post under Objective-C Programming on Sat May 16, 2015
Now updated for the new "Modern Objective-C" features. The goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to program in Objective-C using a style that is easy to follow, rich in examples and accessible to those who have never used Objective-C.
Optimizing C++: A Book about Improving Program Performance
Post under The C++ Programming Language on Sat May 16, 2015
This book contains guidelines and advices on how to write efficient software using the C++ language. Software correctness and maintainability are taken into account, but are not the primary concerns of the guidelines.
Introduction to Arduino: A Piece of Cake (Alan G. Smith)
Post under Microcontrollers, PLC, VLSI, etc. and Computer Systems on Sat May 09, 2015
This book is different than many Arduino books in that it expects no previous knowledge in electronics or programming. Instead of going into depth teaching those topics, it teaches only enough so that you can make things.
Arduino Programming Notebook (Brian W. Evans)
Post under Microcontrollers, PLC, VLSI, etc. and Computer Systems on Sat May 09, 2015
This book is a beginner's reference to the programming syntax of the Arduino microcontroller. It also includes an appendix with schematics and simple programs for several common tasks.
Next Generation HTML5 and JavaScript (InfoQ)
Post under Post under HTML5 and JavaScript on Sat May 09, 2015
JavaScript is chaotic. The pace of change is faster than ever and it seems like a new framework or important library pops up every couple of weeks. A major shift in the language is about to hit when ECMAScript 6 is finalized this year.
Practical Suggestions For Microsoft Windows (John Meister)
Post under Microsoft Windows Servers and Applications on Sat May 09, 2015
This book contains settings and practices proven over the years. If you should have to reinstall Windows, or migrate to a newer version, the tips provided will make it less painful and even allow you to dual boot to Linux.
O'Reilly® You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
Post under JavaScript (jQuery, Node.js, AngularJS, Backbone.js, etc.) on Sat May 02, 2015
This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript�s this structure and object prototypes. You�ll learn how they work and why they�re integral to behavior delegation�a design pattern in which objects are linked, rather than cloned.
Object Oriented Programming using Java (Simon Kendal)
Post under Basic Java and Object-Oriented (OOA/OOD/OOP) on Sat May 02, 2015
This book will explain the Object Oriented approach to programming and through the use of small exercises, develop some practical skills as well. At the end of the book one larger case study will be used to illustrate the application of the techniques.
Apache Solr Succinctly (Xavier Morera)
Post under Information Retrieval (IR) and Search Engines on Sat May 02, 2015
This book guides you through the basics of this highly popular enterprise search tool. You�ll learn how to set up an index and how to make it searchable, then query it with a simple enterprise search. Explanations for precision and recall are also included.
Advances in Graph Algorithms (Ton Kloks, Yue-Li Wang)
Post under Graph Theory and Algorithms on Sat May 02, 2015
This is a book about some currently popular topics such as exponential algorithms, fixed-parameter algorithms and algorithms using decomposition trees of graphs which is one of focuses of the book - occupied a whole chapter.
Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets
Post under Number Theory and Mathematical Software on Sat May 02, 2015
This is a book about prime numbers, congruences, secret messages, and elliptic curves that you can read cover to cover. Many numerical examples are given throughout the book using the Sage mathematical software.
Topology of Numbers (Allen Hatcher)
Post under Number Theory and Geometry and Topology on Sat May 02, 2015
A textbook on elementary number theory from a geometric point of view, as opposed to the usual strictly algebraic approach. A fair amount of the book is devoted to studying Conway's topographs associated to quadratic forms in two variables.
What is Mathematics: G�del's Theorem and Around (K. Podnieks)
Post under Mathematical Logic and Miscellaneous Mathematics on Sat May 02, 2015
This accessible book gives a new, detailed and elementary explanation of the G�del incompleteness theorems and presents the Chaitin results and their relation to the da Costa-Doria results, which are given in full, but with no technicalities.
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Succinctly (Matteo Pagani)
Post under Microsoft Windows Servers and Applications on Sat May 02, 2015
It will guide you from a conceptual understanding of Windows 8.1 to developing apps for both desktop and mobile environments in the first of two comprehensive volumes, you will gain the skills you need to master this versatile operating system.