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A Companion to Digital Humanities (Susan Schreibman, et al)
O'Reilly® Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Crypto-Currencies (Andreas M. Antonopoulos)
Mind, Body, World: Foundations of Cognitive Science (Michael R.W. Dawson)
Butterick’s Practical Typography ©2013 (Matthew Butterick)
Book of Speed: The Business, Psychology and Technology of High Performance Web Apps ©2012 (Stoyan Stefanov)
Web Writing Style Guide Version ©2011 (Matt Barton, James Kalmbach, and Charles Lowe)
Create or Perish: The Case for Inventions and Patents ©1964 (Robert H Rines)
O'Reilly® Getting Started with MakerBot ©2011 (Bre Pettis, Jay Shergill)
O'Reilly® Open Government: Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice ©2010-2011
From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of LEGO Robots ©2010
Own Your Future: Update Your Skills with Resources and Career Ideas from Microsoft ©2010 (Katherine Murray)
Knowledge Management in Policing: Enforcing Law on Criminal Business Enterprises ©2009 (Petter Gottschalk)
After the Software Wars ©2009-2010 (Keith Cary Curtis) 304 pages
RAND and the Information Evolution: A History in Essays and Vignettes ©2009 (Willis H. Ware) 228 pages
Don't Just Roll The Dice - A Usefully Short Guide to Software Pricing ©2009 (Neil Davidson) 84 pages
Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets ©2009 (Peter F. Cowhey, Jonathan D. Aronson )
How to Motivate Creative People (Including Yourself) ©2009 (Mark McGuinness)
Creative Transformation: A Practical Guide for Maximizing Creativity ©1991-2008 (John David Garcia)
How to Make a Fortune on the Internet: A Guide for Anyone ©2008 (Ajay Ahuja)
Shoulders of Giants - Technology, Society, and the Human Swarmt ©2008 (Gregory J. E. Rawlins)
How Open Is the Future?: Economic Inspired by Free & Open-Source Software ©2008 (Marleen Wynants, et al)
Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective ©2008 (Richard T. Watson, et al) 162 pages
Content: Technology, Creativity, Copyright, and the Future of the Future ©2008 (Cory Doctorow) 224 pages
The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It ©2008 (Jonathan Zittrain) 352 pages
The Dark Visitor: Inside the World of Chinese Hackers ©2007 (Scott Henderson) [PDF]
The Structures of Life ©2007 (National Institute of General Medical Sciences)
Mastering Book-Keeping: A Complete Guide to the Business Accounting ©2006 (Peter Marshall)
The Chemistry of Health ©2006 (National Institute of General Medical Sciences)
Medicines By Design ©2006 (National Institute of General Medical Sciences)
Inside the Cell ©2005 (National Institute of General Medical Sciences)
55 Ways to Have Fun With Google ©2006 (Philipp Lenssen) 232 pages [Mirror] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Book (John Lazzaro, et al)
The Future of Reputation - Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet ©2007 (Daniel J. Solove) 256 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Own Your Space: Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online ©2006 (Linda McCarthy)
The Digital Person - Technology and Privacy in the Information Age ©2006 (Daniel J. Solove) 290 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age ©2007 (James Waldo. et al) 452 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
E-Commerce: An Introduction (Diane Cabell) The Electronic Commerce Dictionary
The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0 ©2006 (The Unicode Consortium) 1472 pages [Version 3.0] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries ©2008 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Images of Human Behavior: A Brain SPECT Atlas ©2004 (Daniel Amen) 121 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
How To Accelerate Your Internet - A Guide to Bandwidth Management/Optimisation using Open Source Software ©2006
Scientific Validity of Polygraph Testing A Research Review and Evaluation ©2004 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Introduction to Reverse Engineering Software Technical Writing: Online Textbook
The Guide to Digital Television, 3rd Edition ©2000 (Michael Silbergleid/Mark J. Pescatore) 336 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How It Threatens Creativity (Siva V.) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Democratizing Innovation, ©2006 (Eric Von Hippel) 232 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
The Sources of Innovation, ©1994 (Eric Von Hippel) 208 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Effects of Information Technology on Financial Services Systems (1984) 282 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
ICT4D - Connecting People for a Better World (Gerolf Weigel/Daniele Waldburger) [Homepage]
O'Reilly® We the Media ©2004 (Dan Gillmor) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com. Tools for Thought (Howard Rheingold) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents ©2006 (Sylvie Devilette, et al)Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations ©2002 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Gender in the Information Society: Emerging Issues ©2006 (Anita Gurumurthy, et al)
Information liberation - Challenging the Corruptions of Information Power ©1998 (Brian Martin) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
The Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public Domain ©2003 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research ©1999 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Computer Software and Intellectual Property ©1990 Blender Documentation Volume I - User Guide
Copyright and Home Copying: Technology Challenges the Law ©1989 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Cultural Software: A Theory of Ideology ©2003 (J.M. Balkin) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Educating the Net Generation ©2005 (Diana G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger, Editors) 264 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Miscellaneous Books in Languages [Computer Science] [Networking] [Databases] [Web and Internet]
The Internet Under Crisis Conditions ©2003 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Multimedia (D. Marshall) [PDF] Computer Aided Design (CAD) Primer
Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance ©2000 (L. Downes, C. Mui) [Homepage] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange Small Business Guide
The Computer Revolution: An Economic Perspective The ZooLib Cookbook (Michael D. Crawford)
Creating the Cross Platform Component Object Module (XPCOM) Components
Supercomputers: Directions in Technology and Applications ©1989 112 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
  Web-Teaching, 2nd Edition (D. Brooks, et al)
The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier ©2000 (Howard Rheingold) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Computers Take Flight: A History of NASA's Pioneering Fly-by-Wire Project ©2000 (James E. Tomayko) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Moths to the Flame : The Seductions of Computer Technology (Gregory J. E. Rawlins) [Homepage]
Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization ©1998 (Gene I. Rochlin) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture ©2004 (Lawrence Lessig) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder ©1993 (Bruce Sterling) 336 pages [Mirror] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
O'Reilly® The Future Does Not Compute ©1995 (Steve Talbott) 500 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
From Workplace to Workspace: Using E-mail Lists to Work Together ©1998 (Maureen James/Liz Rykert) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Lotus Notes and Domino Server Being Fluent with Information Technology ©1999 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Goverment ©2002 [Homepage] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Research Recommendations to Facilitate Distributed Work (Robert E. Kraut) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Official Marimba Guide to Castanet The Inner Light Theory of Consciousness
High Tech Ventures ©2001 (C. Gordon Bell/C. Gordon Beel/John E. McNamara) 400 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
HAL's Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality ©1998 David G. Stork/Arthur C. Clarke) 384 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
The Information Age: An Anthology on Its Impact and Consequences (David S. Alberts/Daniel S. Papp) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at amazon.com.
Computer-Based National Information Systems: Technology and Public Policy Issues
An Assessment of Information Systems Capabilities Required To Support U.S. Materials Policy Decisions
Bringing Health Care Online: The Role of Information Technologies
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