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Software Design Patterns
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Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns (C++ and Java) [in C#] Core J2EE Pattern Catalog
Game Programming Patterns (Robert Nystrom)
Domain-Driven Design Quickly (Abel Avram, Floyd Marinescu)
UX Design for Startups ©2013 (Marcin Treder)
Evil by Design: Design Patterns that Lead Us into Temptation ©2012 (Chris Nodder)
O'Reilly® Learning JavaScript Design Patterns ©2012 (Addy Osmani)
Patterns: Integrating WebSphere ILOG JRules with IBM Software ©2011 (Chris Rayns, et al)
Essential JavaScript and JQuery Design Patterns ©2010 (Addy Osmani)
Working through Screens: 100 Ideas for Envisioning Powerful, Engaging, and Productive User Experiences ©2010
Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns ©2009 (Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse, Serge Demeyer)
Software Design Using C++ ©2009 (David Carlson, Isidore Minerdg)
Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems ©2001-2009 (Michael J. Pont) 1006 pages
Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 ©2006-2009 (Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust) 656 pages
Artificial Intelligence Design Patterns ©2007 (Mark Watson)
O'Reilly® Ajax Design Patterns ©2006 (Michael Mahemoff) 352 pages
O'Reilly® Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design ©2005 (Jenifer Tidwell)
Integration Patterns ©2004 (Microsoft Corporation) 432 pages
Data Access Patterns: Database Interactions in Object-Oriented Applications ©2004 (Clifton Nock)
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture ©2002-2003 (Martin Fowler)
Thinking in Patterns with Java ©2003 (Bruce Eckel) [PDF] [Mirror] [Mirror] [Mirror] [Download]
Patterns for Effective Use Cases ©2002 (Steve Adolph, Paul Bramble, et al) 272 pages
EJB Design Patterns ©2002 (Floyd Marinescu) 288 pages
Small Memory Software: Patterns for Systems with Limited Memory ©2000 (Charles Weir, James Noble)
Java Design Pattern: A Tutorial ©2000 (James W. Cooper) 352 pages
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java ©1999 (Bruno R. Preiss)
A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design ©1999 (Thomas Kühne)
The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion ©1998 (Sherman Alpert, Kyle Brown, Bobby Woolf) 464 pages
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ ©1998 (Bruno R. Preiss)
Adaptive Object-Oriented Software: Patterns for Adaptive Programming (AP) ©1995 (Karl Lieberherr)
Advanced Programming Language Features for Executable Design Patterns [PostScript]
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python ©2003 (Bruno R. Preiss)
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Ruby ©2004 (Bruno R. Preiss)
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# ©2001 (B.R. Preiss)
Introduction To Design Patterns with Java ©2005 (Bob Tarr)
Patterns and Software: Essential Concepts and Terminology ©2000 (Brad Appleton)
Java Design Patterns (Prashant Satarkar)  
Perl Design Patterns [Summary] Writing Software Patterns ©2006 (Martin Fowler)
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