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The Debian Administrator's Handbook
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  • Title The Debian Administrator's Handbook
  • Author(s) Raphael Hertzog and Roland Mas
  • Publisher: Freexian SARL (January 14, 2012)
  • Paperback 480 pages
  • ebook Online, HTML files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 979-10-91414-01-2
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Book Description

This book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independent Debian GNU/Linux administrator.

It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master, from the installation and the update of the system, up to the creation of packages and the compilation of the kernel, but also monitoring, backup and migration, without forgetting advanced topics like SELinux setup to secure services, automated installations, or virtualization with Xen, KVM or LXC.

About the Authors
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