Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Ghost in the Wires: The World's Most Wanted Hacker Post under Hacking and Hackers, Computer Security
In this "intriguing, insightful and extremely educational" novel, the world's most famous hacker teaches you easy cloaking and counter-measures for citizens and consumers in the age of Big Brother and Big Data (Frank W. Abagnale).
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding Security Flaws Post under Hacking and Hackers, Web Programming
Discuss the step-by-step techniques for attacking and defending the range of ever-evolving web applications. The resource on the critical topic of discovering, exploiting, and preventing web application security flaws.
The Hacker's Handbook: Breaking into and Defending Networks Post under Hacking and Hackers, Computer Security
This book reveals the technical aspects of hacking that are least understood by network administrators by analyzing subjects through a hacking/security dichotomy that details hacking maneuvers and defenses in the same context.
Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters (Justin Seitz) Post under Hacking and Hackers, Python Programming
Python is the language of choice for most security analysts. Explore the darker side of Python's capabilities - writing network sniffers, manipulating packets, infecting virtual machines, creating stealthy trojans, and more.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (Michael Goodrich) Post under Python Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures
A comprehensive, definitive introduction to data structures in Python. Designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to data structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis, and implementation using Python.
Kali Linux Revealed: Mastering the Penetration Testing Distribution Post under Unix/Linux Security and Computer Security
Kali Linux has not only become the information security professional's platform of choice, but evolved into an industrial-grade, and world-class operating system distribution--mature, secure, and enterprise-ready.
Trigonometry (Don Crossfield, et al.) Post under Trigonometry and Geometry
This book was written with those teachers and students in mind who are engaged in trigonometric ideas in courses ranging from geometry and second-year algebra to trigonometry and pre-calculus.
Manifold Learning: Model Reduction in Engineering Post under Deep Learning and Computational Physics
The aim is to provide tools for a better understanding and implement reduced order models by using: physics-based models, synthetic data forecast by these models, experimental data and deep learning algorithms.
Learning Analytics: Methods and Tutorials Using R Post under Data Analysis and Mining, Big Data, R Programming
This book offers resources and methodological guidance in Learning Analytics, covers all important quantitative topics in education at large as well as the latest in learning analytics and education data mining, using R programming language.
Metric Algebraic Geometry (Paul Breiding, et al) Post under Algebra and Geometry
This book combines concepts from algebraic geometry and differential geometry. Building on classical foundations. Many applied problems center around metric questions, such as optimization with respect to distances.
Getting Started with RISC-V (Niklas Källman) Post under Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
This book is intended for developers and professionals developing embedded software using RISC-V. It explains how to get started with developing for the free and open RISC-V, both in simulation and on physical implementations.
Quantum Software: Aspects of Theory and System Post under Quantum Computing and Software Engineering
This open access book explains the state of the art in quantum software engineering and design, independent from a specific hardware. It deals with quantum software theoretical aspects and with classical software engineering concepts.
Modern Information Retrieval: The Technology Behind Search Post under Information Retrieval and Search Engines
This book provides treatment of information retrieval including extensive coverage of new topics such as web retrieval, web crawling, open source search engines and user interfaces.
College Algebra and Trigonometry (Richard W. Beveridge) Post under Algebra, Geometry, Elementry Mathematics
This book covers a combination of classical algebra and analytic geometry, with an introduction to the transcendental exponential and logarithmic functions. If mathematics is the language of science, then algebra is the grammar of that language.
The Super Programmer: A Colorful Introduction to Engineering! Post under Programming, Software Engineering, Computer Science
For the programmers who don't want to limit their knowledge and skills on a very narrow area of software engineering. A book discussing some of the most underrated topics in computer-science by implementing them from scratch!
Introduction to Random Matrices: Theory and Practice Post under Probability Theory and Stochastic Process
This is a book for absolute beginners. The aim is to provide a truly accessible introductory account of Random Matrix theory. Most chapters are accompanied by MATLAB codes to guide readers through the numerical check of most analytical results.
Fading Foundations: Probability and the Regress Problem Post under Probability Theory and Stochastic Process, Miscellaneous Books
This book addresses the age-old problem of infinite regresses in epistemology. How can we ever come to know something if knowing requires having good reasons, and reasons can only be good if they are backed by good reasons in turn?
Probabilistic Programming for Procedural Modeling and Design Post under Probability and Bayesian Thinking
It uses probabilistic programming languages to express such Bayesian procedural models. A probabilistic programming language (PPL) provides random choice and Bayesian conditioning operators as primitives, and inference.
Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty Post under Probability, Statistics, Bayesian Thinking
This book brings a modern flavor to the course, incorporating the computer and offering an integrated approach to inference that includes the frequency approach and the Bayesian inference.
The Very Long Game: Studies on the Global State of Defense AI Post under Artificial Intelligence (AI)
This is an eye-opening book. AI has the potential to be the single greatest force multiplier for armed forces in human history. But how to prepare armed forces to successfully leverage AI?
Art Intelligence: How Generative AI Relates to Human Art-Making Post under Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
What impact will Generative AI (GenAI) have on how we create art and how we understand what art is for? How will it affect the role of the artist in the future and the conditions under which artists will work?
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance Post under Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Finance
Presents how cutting-edge digital technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain are set to disrupt the financial sector. Also introduces some of the most popular Big Data, AI and Blockchain applications in the sector.
Coderspeak: The Language of Computer Programmers Post under Computer Programming and Software Engineering
This book delves into the hidden world of software development, offering a combined anthropological and technical approach that explores the coder community's impact on our digital landscape.
Hash Crack: Password Cracking Manual (Joshua Picolet) Post under Hacking and Hackers, Computer Security and Cybersecurity
A compilation of basic and advanced techniques to assist penetration testers and network security professionals evaluate their organization's posture. It contains syntax and examples for the most popular cracking and analysis tools.
Mixed-Criticality Industrial Wireless Networks (Xi Jin, et al.) Post under Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
This open access book introduces how to manage important tasks in industrial wireless networks. Mixed criticality was proposed to indicate that a system may contain tasks of various importance levels.
Statistical Foundations of Actuarial Learning and its Applications Post under Financial Mathematics and Statistics on Sat Dec 16, 2023
This open access book discusses the statistical modeling of insurance problems, a process which comprises data collection, data analysis and statistical model building to forecast insured events that may happen in the future.
Vector Semantics (András Kornai) Post under Natural Language Processing (NLP)
This open access book introduces Vector semantics, which links the formal theory of word vectors to the cognitive theory of linguistics by presenting a formal theory, cast in terms of linear polytopes, that generalizes both word vectors and conceptual structures.
Information Theory and Network Coding (Raymond W. Yeung) Post under Coding Theory and Data Communications
Provide a rigorous treatment of information theory for discrete and continuous systems and a comprehensive treatment of Network Coding theory with detailed discussions on linear network codes, convolutional network codes, and multi-source network coding.
Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Linear and Multilevel Models Post under Statistics and R Programming on Sat Nov 18, 2023
This book is designed for undergraduate students who have successfully completed a multiple linear regression course, helping them develop an expanded modeling toolkit that includes non-normal responses and correlated structure.
Introduction to Numerical Methods for Variational Problems Post under Numerical Analysis and Computation on Sat Dec 09, 2023
This textbook teaches Finite Element Methods from a computational point of view. It focuses on how to develop flexible computer programs with Python, a programming language in which a combination of symbolic and numerical tools.
Finite Difference Methods for Differential Equations Post under Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations on Sat Dec 09, 2023
This book introduces Finite Difference Methods for differential equations and discusses the similarities and differences between algorithm design and stability analysis for different types of equations.
A Foundation in Digital Communication (Amos Lapidoth) Post under Computer Networks and Communications on Sat Dec 09, 2023
This book is an intuitive yet rigorous introduction deriving the core results of digital communication from first principles, whilst theory, rather than industry standards, motivates the engineering approaches.
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