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Hacking and Hackers
Related Book Categories:
  • Hacking: The Art of Exploitation (Jon Erickson)

    Hacking is the art of creative problem solving, whether that means finding an unconventional solution to a difficult problem or exploiting holes in sloppy programming. Few 'Hackers' have the strong technical foundation needed to really push the envelope.

  • The Science of Human Hacking (Christopher Hadnagy)

    This book reveals the craftier side of the Hacker's repertoire - why hack into something when you could just ask for access? Explains the most commonly-used techniques that fool even the most robust security personnel.

  • The Hacker's Handbook: Breaking into and Defending Networks

    This book reveals the technical aspects of hacking that are least understood by network administrators by analyzing subjects through a hacking/security dichotomy that details hacking maneuvers and defenses in the same context.

  • Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters (Justin Seitz)

    Python is the language of choice for most security analysts. Explore the darker side of Python's capabilities - writing network sniffers, manipulating packets, infecting virtual machines, creating stealthy trojans, and more.

  • Gray Hat Hacking: the Ethical Hackers Handbook (Allen Harper)

    This book shows, step by step, how to fortify computer networks by learning and applying effective Ethical Hacking techniques. clearly explains the enemy's devious weapons, skills, and tactics and offers field-tested remedies, case studies, and testing labs.

  • Hacking: Computer Hacking, Security Testing, Penetration Testing

    Learning how to hack and how to protect your devices. This book goes all the way from the basic principles to the intricate techniques and methods that you can use to hack. It is written to suit both beginners, as well as hacking experts.

  • Hacker's Challenge: Test Your Incident Response Skills

    Find out if you have what it takes to keep the bad guys out of your network. This real-world resource contains 20+ hacking challenges for you to solve. Plus, you'll get in-depth solutions for each, all written by experienced security consultants.

  • Linux Basics for Hackers: Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali

    Uses the Kali Linux distribution to teach Linux basics with a focus on how hackers would use them. Topics include Linux command line basics, filesystems, networking, BASH basics, package management, logging, and the Linux kernel and drivers.

  • Hacking: Beginner to Expert Guide (James Patterson)

    This book will teach you how you can protect yourself from most common hacking attacks - by knowing how hacking actually works! After all, in order to prevent your system from being compromised, you need to stay a step ahead of any criminal hacker.

  • Ghost in the Wires: The World's Most Wanted Hacker

    In this "intriguing, insightful and extremely educational" novel, the world's most famous hacker teaches you easy cloaking and counter-measures for citizens and consumers in the age of Big Brother and Big Data (Frank W. Abagnale).

  • Hacking Street: The Way of Hacking (Kirandeep Singh Sandhu)

    Focuses on the everyday hacks that, while simple in nature, actually add up to the most significant losses. Provides detailed descriptions of potential threats and vulnerabilities, many of which the majority of the information systems world may be unaware.

  • Defense against the Black Arts: How Hackers Do What They Do?

    The best way to secure a system is to understand the tools hackers use and know how to circumvent them. This book provides hands-on instruction to a host of techniques used to hack into a variety of systems.

  • The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding Security Flaws

    Discuss the step-by-step techniques for attacking and defending the range of ever-evolving web applications. The resource on the critical topic of discovering, exploiting, and preventing web application security flaws.

  • The Hacker's Underground Handbook (David Melnichuk)

    This book will put you into a hacker's mindset and teach you all of the hacker's secret ways. It introduces you to many topics like programming, Linux, password cracking, network hacking, Windows hacking, wireless hacking, web hacking and malware.

  • The Hacker Playbook 2: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing

    Through a series of football-style "plays," this straightforward guide gets to the roadblocks in penetration testing - including attacking different types of networks, pivoting through security controls, privilege escalation, and evading antivirus software.

  • Learn Ethical Hacking from Scratch (Zaid Sabih)

    You will explore network hacking, where you will see how to test the security of wired and wireless networks. You’ll also learn how to crack the password for any Wi-Fi network (whether it uses WEP, WPA, or WPA2) and spy on the connected devices.

  • Hash Crack: Password Cracking Manual (Joshua Picolet)

    A compilation of basic and advanced techniques to assist penetration testers and network security professionals evaluate their organization's posture. It contains syntax and examples for the most popular cracking and analysis tools.

  • Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics (Aaron Philipp, et al)

    This book explains how to construct a high-tech forensic lab, collect prosecutable evidence, discover e-mail and system file clues, track wireless activity, and recover obscured documents.

  • How to Become Anonymous, Secure and Free Online (Amy Awol)

    This book describes how internet users can become anonymous, secure and free. It gives many free resources and methods for users who want to go anonymous and protect their personal data from being accessed or hacked from outside sources.

  • Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security

    Going beyond current books on privacy and security, Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security proposes specific solutions to public policy issues pertaining to online privacy and security.

  • Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: Many Faces of Anonymous

    The ultimate book on the worldwide movement of hackers, pranksters, and activists collectively known as Anonymous. It is filled with insights into the meaning of digital activism and little understood facets of culture in the Internet age.

  • Hacking Kubernetes: Threat-Driven Analysis and Defense

    It begins with a vanilla Kubernetes installation with built-in defaults, then examines an abstract threat model of a distributed system running arbitrary workloads, and then progress to a detailed assessment of each component of a secure Kubernetes system.

  • A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Game Hacking Techniques

    Game hacking allows you to add functionality and change how games work. Whether your goal is to add a new unit to an RTS game or create an aimbot for a FPS game, this book will teach you what you need to become a true game hacker.

  • Mind Hacking: How to Change Your Mind for Good in 21 Days

    Teaches you how to reprogram your thinking - like reprogramming a computer - to give you increased mental efficiency and happiness. Learn to take charge of your mind and banish negative thoughts, habits, and anxiety - in just 21 days!

  • Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking (Chris Hadnagy)

    Reveal and dissect the technical aspect of many social engineering maneuvers, this book does its part to prepare you against nefarious hackers - now you can do your part by putting to good use the critical information within its pages.

  • Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking

    Who are computer hackers? What is free software? This book is insightful and fascinating, a superbly observed picture of the motives, divisions and history of the free software and software freedom world.

  • Hack, Hack, Who's There? A Gentle Introduction to Model Theory

    The skeleton of this narrative nonfiction book is a science fiction story without the usual mangling of physics. The flesh is composed of self-contained non-technical mainstream explanations and examples of the field of mathematics called Model Theory.

  • Bayesian Methods for Hackers: Probabilistic Programming

    This book illuminates Bayesian inference through probabilistic programming with the powerful PyMC language and the closely related Python tools NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, through practical examples and computation - no advanced mathematics required.

  • Hacking with Swift (Paul Hudson)

    This book is a complete Swift tutorial written for Swift 3 and iOS 10. It takes you from absolutely beginner with no knowledge of Swift to an advanced Swift developer through 39 finished hands-on projects, all utilizing the latest frameworks from Apple.

  • Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker

    This book gives invaluable advice and practical tools for protecting our computers. Learn how to plan and execute a security strategy that will thwart the most determined and sophisticated of hackers, while still allowing your easy access to Internet services.

  • Hacking with React (Paul Hudson)

    In short, this book is the fastest way to get up to speed with React development, and is guaranteed to jump start your learning. Even better, your purchase includes any future updates free of charge!

  • The C++ Hackers Guide (Steve Oualline)

    This book collects more than 120 of the best C++ veteran secrets and puts them in one accessible place. The techniques presented have all been used in actual programs, and more importantly, have made actual programs better.

  • Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python (Albert Sweigart)

    This book teaches you how to write your own cipher programs and also the hacking programs that can break the encrypted messages from these ciphers. It also provides the source code to several fun programming projects.

  • The New Hacker's Dictionary (The Jargon File) by Eric S. Raymond

    A collection of slang terms used by various subcultures of computer hackers. Though some technical material is included for background and flavor, it is not a technical dictionary. What we describe here is the language hackers use among themselves for fun, etc.

  • Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering

    This book shows Xbox owners how to increase the value and utility of their system, Hacking the Xbox features step-by-step tutorials on hardware modification that teach basic hacking techniques as well as essential reverse engineering skills.

  • Linux 101 Hacks - Examples to Build a Strong Fundation in Linux

    There are total of 101 hacks in this book that will help you build a strong foundation in Linux. All the hacks are explained with appropriate Linux command examples that are easy to follow.

  • O'Reilly® Ubuntu Hacks: Tips/Tools for Exploring, Using Linux

    This is your one-stop source for all of the community knowledge you need to get the most out of Ubuntu: a collection of 100 tips and tools to help new and experienced Linux users install, configure, and customize Ubuntu.

  • O'Reilly® Greasemonkey Hacks: Tips & Tools for Remixing the Web

    This book is an invaluable compendium 100 ingenious hacks for power users who want to master Greasemonkey, the hot new Firefox extension that allows you to write scripts that alter the web pages you visit.

  • Ruby Hacking Guide (Minero Aoki)

    The Ruby Hacking Guide is a book that explains how the ruby interpreter (the official C implementation of the Ruby language) works internally. To fully understand it, you need a good knowledge of C and Ruby.

  • Lisp Hackers: Interviews with 100x More Productive Programmers

    Overall, this book should give an insight into why people use Lisp, as well as help the readers gain some new experience and improve as programmers. It's a collection of short interviews with 14 prominent individuals from different parts of the world.

  • A Hacker's Guide to Git (Joseph Wynn)

    This guide explains some of Git's core concepts including basic object storage, commits, branches and tags. It also contains in-depth explanations about the different kinds of merging in Git, including the much-feared rebase.

  • Network Security Tools: Writing, Hacking, and Modifying Security

    This concise, high-end free book discusses the common customizations and extensions for these tools, then shows you how to write even more specialized attack and penetration reviews that are suited to your unique network environment.

  • Hacknot - Essays on Software Development (Ed Johnson)

    This book contains 46 essays originally published on the Hacknot web site. The version of each essay appearing in the book is substantially the same as the online version, with some minor revisions and editing.

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