Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Digital Cartography (Dorris Scott)
This book will cover foundational Cartographic principles that is needed to make effective maps. It will go over such concepts as data, lettering, along with multivariate and uncertainty visualization.
Artificial Intelligence and Systems of the Earth (Michel Speiser)
About the potential and capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for studying the Earth. It aims to serve as an eye-opener on new avenues of scientific research that can be enabled by AI/ML.
Rare Earth Frontiers: From Terrestrial Subsoils to Lunar Landscapes
Rare earths are neither rare nor technically earths, but they are still widely believed to be both. Although the approach focuses on the human, or cultural, geography of rare earths mining, it could be both on Earth and on the moon.
GIS: A Computing Perspective (Matt Duckham, et al.)
Analyzing the subject from a computing perspective, this book provides a full, up-to-date overview of Geographic Information Science (GIS), both Geographic Information Systems and the study of Geographic Information Science.
Geospatial Analysis with Python (Ujaval Gandhi)
Suitable for GIS practitioners with no programming background or python knowledge. The course will introduce basic Python programming concepts, libraries for spatial analysis, geospatial APIs and techniques for building spatial data processing pipelines.
Python Scripting for Spatial Data Processing (Pete Bunting, et al)
This book is a Python tutorial for beginners aiming at teaching spatial data processing. It is used as part of the courses taught in Remote Sensing and GIS, using psycopg2, and ogr2ogr, etc., at Aberystwyth University, UK.
Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis
Introduce the basics of Python programming and geographic data analysis for all “geo-minded” people (geographers, geologists and others using spatial data). Apply Python GIS geospatial processes to a variety of problems, and work with remote sensing data.
Geographic Data Science with Python (Sergio Rey, et al.)
Provides the tools, the methods, and the theory to meet the challenges of contemporary data science applied to geographic problems and data, by using geographical and computational reasoning to unlock new insights hidden within data.
Geographic Data Science with R: Visualizing and Analyzing
This book provides a series of tutorials aimed at teaching good practices for using Time Series and geospatial data to address topics related to environmental change. It is based on the R language and aims at data scientists.
Spatial Data Science: With Applications in R (Edzer Pebesma, et al)
Introduces and explains the concepts underlying Spatial Data, gives a detailed explanation of the core spatial software packages for R: sf for simple feature access, and stars for raster and vector data cubes – array data with spatial and temporal dimensions.
Spatial Statistics for Data Science with R (Paula Moraga)
Spatial data is crucial to improve decision-making in a wide range of fields. This book describes statistical methods, modeling approaches, and visualization techniques to analyze spatial data using R.
Mapping Landscapes in Transformation: Historical Analysis
The development of Historical Geographical Information Systems (HGIS) and other methods from the digital humanities have revolutionised historical research on cultural landscapes. The aim is to advance cartographic practices.
Thinking Time Geography: Concepts, Methods and Applications
Time Geography is a mode of thinking that helps in the understanding of change in society, the wider context and ecological consequences of human actions. This book presents its assumptions, concepts and methods, and example applications.
Mapping Urban Spaces: Designing the City (Lamberto Amistadi)
This book focuses on medium-sized cities and more specifically on their open spaces from psychological, sociological, and aesthetic points of view, will be of interest to readers in architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture.
An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Statistics in R
This book provides an introduction to the use of R for spatial statistical analysis, geocomputation and the analysis of geographical information for collecting and using data with location attached.
An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping
Provides an introduction to the use of R for spatial statistical analysis, geocomputation and the analysis of geographical information for researchers collecting and using data with location attached, largely through increased GPS functionality.
Location-Based Information Systems: Real-Time Tracking Apps
The book provides information and examples for creating real-time Location-Based Information Systems (LBIS) based on GPS-enabled cellular phones. covers all of the components needed to develop an LBIS.
An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization in R
This book provides a balance between concepts and practicums of spatial statistics with a comprehensive coverage of the most important approaches to understand spatial data, analyze spatial relationships and patterns, and predict spatial processes.
The Cognitive Life of Maps (Roberto Casati)
The “mapness of maps” - how maps live in interaction with their users, and what this tells us about what they are and how they work. Charting the way to a new understanding of what maps mean.
Hands-On Spatial Data Science with R (Luc Anselin, et al.)
This is a textbook accessible and reader-friendly 'how to' for anyone using R for the first time, for use in spatial statistical analysis, geocomputation and digital mapping.
Mastering PostGIS: Create, Analyze, and Implement Spatial Data
The aim of this book is to help you master the functionalities offered by PostGIS, from data creation, analysis and output, to ETL and live edits - a comprehensive guide covering all the concepts you need to master PostGIS.
GIS and Housing: Principles and Practices
This book provides GIS technicians and analysts with an overview of US housing challenges and examples of how to effectively integrate spatial thinking to address housing policy questions.
Shifts in Mapping: Maps as a Tool of Knowledge (C. Schranz)
Depicting the world, territory, and geopolitical realities involves a high degree of interpretation and imagination. Cartography originated in ancient times to represent the world and to enable circulation, communication, and economic exchange.
Cloud-Based Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine
This book guides its audience - which can range from novice users to experts - though a 55-chapter tour of Google Earth Engine to allow users with multiple experience levels to easily find an entry point.
Mobile Mapping: Space, Cartography and the Digital
This book argues for a theory of mobile mapping, a situated and spatial approach towards researching how everyday digital mobile media practices are bound up in global systems of knowledge and power.
Handbook of Mathematical Geosciences (B.S. Daya Sagar, et al)
This Open Access handbook published at the IAMG's 50th anniversary, presents a compilation of invited path-breaking research contributions by award-winning geoscientists who have been instrumental in shaping the IAMG.
R for Geographic Data Science (Stefano De Sabbata)
This book introduces readers to tools in the R programming language for accessing and analyzing Census data from the United States Census Bureau and shows how to carry out demographic analyses in a single computing environment.
GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management
GIS is used today to better understand and solve urban problems. This book explores and illustrates the capacity that geo-information and GIS have to inform practitioners and other participants in the processes of the planning and management of urban regions.
Essays on Geography and GIS (Esri)
A collection of essays written by academicians and scientists, and articles, thought leaders in the fields of geography and geographic information system (GIS) technology provide insight into the power of spatial thinking.
The ArcGIS Imagery Book: New View. New Vision
Explore how imagery and remote sensing power modern GIS. You will roll up your sleeves and quickly begin putting imagery to smarter, more skillful use with your GIS. Appropriate for those very familiar with GIS and those who have never heard of the term.
GIS Mapping for Public Safety: ArcGIS Tools and Procedures
Focuses on Esri's ArcGIS functionality and presents many of the tools and techniques commonly used by public safety researchers, analysts, and practitioners. It gives simple steps for descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory mapping tasks.
Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services
The book provides information on Location-Based Services (LBSs), including WiFi fingerprinting, geo-crowdsouring, and location privacy as well as application areas such as LBSs for public health, indoor navigation, pedestrian navigation, and advertising.
Geocomputation with R (Robin Lovelace, et al.)
This book is for people who want to analyze, visualize and model geographic data with open source software. It is based on R, a statistical programming language that has powerful data processing, visualization, and geospatial capabilities.
Archaeological 3D GIS (Nicolò Dell'Unto, et al.)
This book provides archaeologists with a guide to explore and understand the unprecedented opportunities for collecting, visualising, and analysing archaeological datasets in three dimensions, using GIS.
Linked Data: A Geographic Perspective (Glen Hart, et al)
Combine Geographic Information from Multiple Sources Using Linked Data - A Practical, Readable Guide for Geographers, Software Engineers, and Laypersons. Organize and describe data that includes geographic content and publish it as Linked Data.
Earth, Space, Environmental Science Explorations with ArcGIS Pro
This book covers a range of topics in the earth and space sciences, such as plate tectonics, natural hazards, Mars exploration, and climate change. Through a series of hands-on exercises, readers will gain basic competency in Esri's ArcGIS Pro software.
The ArcGIS Book: 10 Big Ideas about The Science of Where
Provide access to hundreds of live maps from the worldwide ArcGIS user community. Each big idea is about the ways that GIS technology can unlock your data to reveal deeper insights and a better understanding of virtually any problem with a geographic dimension.
Nature of Geographic Information Systems (David DiBiase)
The purpose of this book is to promote understanding of the Geographic Information Science and Technology enterprise (GIS&T, also known as 'geospatial'). It explores the nature of geographic information.
An Introductory Textbook on Geographic Information Systems
This textbook is an introduction to GIS, but most of the chapter's concepts are also applicable to other geotechnologies including remote sensing, global positioning systems (GPS), Internet mapping, and virtual globes.
Geographic Information System Basics (Jonathan Campbell)
From the melting of the polar ice caps to privacy issues associated with mapping, this book provides a gentle, yet substantive, introduction to the use and application of digital maps, mapping, and GIS.
Principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
This book is designed to provide students in a first or second GIS course with a solid foundation in both GIS concepts and the use of GIS. It strikes a careful balance between GIS concepts and hands-on applications.
GIS Succinctly (Peter Shaw)
This book guides you through it all, starting with a detailed examination of the data and processes that constitute the internals of a GIS. It surveys a selection of commercial and open-source software packages, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Geospatial Analysis: Principles, Techniques and Software Tools
This book provides a compehensive guide to concepts, methods and tools, with many examples being provided using a variety of software tools such as ArcGIS, Idrisi, Grass, Surfer and many others to clarify the concepts discussed
Spatial Thinking in Planning Practice: An Introduction to GIS
The goals of this textbook are to help students acquire the technical skills of using software and managing a database, and develop research skills of collecting data, analyzing information and presenting results.
A Practical Guide to Geostatistical Mapping (Tomislav Hengl)
This book is a practical guide to geostatistical mapping using R+gstat/geoR, SAGA GIS and Google Earth combo of software packages. Includes seven diverse data analysis exercises.
Google Earth Engine Applications (Lalit Kumar, et al)
It show apps using the Google Earth Engine in mining, storing, retrieving and processing spatial data for a variety of applications that include vegetation monitoring, cropland mapping, ecosystem assessment, and gross primary productivity, among others.
Cartography - A Tool for Spatial Analysis (Carlos Bateira)
This book presents several contributions at different areas and activities showing the importance of the Cartography to the perception and organization of the territory, showing the importance of the cartography to the perception and organization of the territory.
Cartography and Map Design ( Carlos Bateira)
This book is an inspiring and creative companion along the nonlinear journey toward making a great map. It provides sound, visually compelling information that translates into practical and useful tools for modern mapmaking.
Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
This book blends together the theories of GIS and their practical implementations in different conditions. It deals with GIS's application in the broad spectrum of geospatial analysis and modeling, water resources analysis, land use analysis, and such.
Google Maps API Succinctly (Mark Lewin)
It gives you a hands-on, beginner-level introduction to developing mapping applications using the Google Maps JavaScript API. Learn the ins and outs of the API so that you can harness the power of Google Maps within your own websites and applications.
Applications of Spatial Statistics (Ming-Chih Hung)
Spatial statistics has been widely used in many environmental studies. This book is for people who are interested in applying statistics to spatial data, as well as for who know statistics and want to explore how it can be applied to spatial data.
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (Roger S. Bivand, et al)
It presents R packages, functions, classes and methods for handling spatial data, and showcases more specialised kinds of spatial data analysis, including spatial point pattern analysis, interpolation and geostatistics, areal data analysis and disease mapping.
Map Projections: A Working Manual (John P. Snyder)
This book contains substantial introductory information about map projection families and distortions. Each projection is started with a useful summary of the context and usage of that particular projection. It then delves into details of each projection.
Understanding Map Projections (Melita Kennedy, et al.)
A map projection fundamentally impacts the mapmaking process. The book presents a clear understanding of the processes necessary to make logical decisions on selecting an appropriate map projection for a given data set.
Map Projections Used by the United States Geological Survey
Under each of the sixteen projections described, the nonmathematical phases are presented first, without interruption by formulas. They are followed by the formulas and tables, and the nonmathematical discussion of the next projection.
Elements Of Map Projection: Map And Chart Construction
The goal is to equip readers with the foundational knowledge of concepts they need to conceive, design, and produce maps in a legible, clear, and coherent manner, drawing from both classical and modern theory in cartography.
Theory of Seismic Imaging (John A. Scales)
This book presents the physical and mathematical basis of imaging algorithms in the context of controlled-source reflection seismology. The approach taken is motivated by physical optics and theoretical seismology.
How to Read Geological Maps (Robert Davidson)
A general introduction with to maps, security, topographic map symbols, grids, the use of overlays, aerial photographs, land navigation, use of compass, orienteering, etc. . Very well illustrated, you are lost without it.
Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds
It discusses spatial augmented reality approaches that exploit optical elements, video projectors, holograms, radio frequency tags, and tracking technology, as well as interactive rendering algorithms and calibration techniques in order to embed synthetic supplements into the real environment or into a live video of the real environment.
From Geometry to Behavior: An Introduction to Spatial Cognition
An overview of the mechanisms and evolution of Spatial Cognition, integrating evidence from psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and Computational Geometry. Also relevant to the epistemology of spatial knowledge in the philosophy of mind.
Mapping, Society, and Technology (Steven Manson)
It is about how to read, use, and create maps. Our exploration of maps will be informed by a contextual understanding of how maps reflect the relationship between society and technology, and how mapping is an essential form of scientific and artistic inquiry.
Mapping and the Citizen Sensor (Giles Foody, et al)
The proliferation of inexpensive and highly mobile and location aware devices together with Web 2.0 technology have fostered the emergence of the citizen as a source of data. Mapping activities have benefitted greatly from advances in geoinformation technologies.
Satellite Positioning - Methods, Models and Applications (S. Jin)
This book provides a good reference for satellite positioning techniques, engineers, scientists as well as user community. It is devoted to presenting recent results and development in satellite positioning technique and applications.
GPS: Essentials of Satellite Navigation (Jean-Marie Zogg)
This book offers an up-to-date, easy-to-understand treatment of Global Positioning System (GPS) without bogging readers down with advanced mathematics, including GPS satellite orbit and precise point positioning and location-based services.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Signal, Theory and Applications
The book is devoted to presenting recent results and developments in GNSS theory, system, signal, receiver, method, and errors sources, such as multipath effects and atmospheric delays. It provides a good reference for GNSS designers, engineers, etc.
A Gentle Introduction to GIS (Tim Sutton, et al)
This book contains what you need to know on mapping terminology and digital mapping, how to locate geographic features and analyze their patterns, and how to generate travel directions, customer locations lists, and much more with GIS.
Leaflet.js Succinctly: An Introduction to Web Mapping (Mark Lewin)
This introduction to Leaflet.js will teach key concepts of the software and critical techniques in order to help you develop web-ready interactive maps. It is the first step on the road to producing the best interactive maps you possibly can.
Leaflet Tips and Tricks: Interactive Maps with leaflet.js
This book will help you learn how to create maps with the Leaflet JavaScript library (leaflet.js) through a series of step-by-step recipes to achieve great dynamic and interactive slippy maps..
Bing Maps V8 Succinctly (James McCaffrey)
This book takes readers through utilizing Bing Maps API V8 JavaScript library, from creating the simplest application that uses it, to mastering more advanced functions like creating color-gradient legends and custom-styled Infobox objects.
Google Maps API Tutorial (Mike Williams)
It will provide the reader with the skills and knowledge necessary to incorporate Google Maps version 3 on web pages in both desktop and mobile browsers..
A Gentle Introduction to SAGA GIS (Victor Olaya)
This book describes the main features of SAGA, and its aimed at every user who wants to use it as an all-purpose GIS with which develop 'real' geographical analysis.
GPS Made Easy - A Complete No-nonsense Guide
You'll find out how to create and use digital maps and learn about waypoints, tracks, coordinate systems, and other key point to using GPS technology.
Map Scripting 101: Building Interactive Maps (DuVander)
This book delivers 73 immediately useful scripts that will show you how to create interactive maps and mashups.
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (Roger S. Bivand, et al)
This book will be of interest to researchers who intend to use R to handle, visualise, and analyse spatial data.
New Theory of the Earth (Don L. Anderson)
This interdisciplinary advanced textbook on the origin, composition, and evolution of Earth's interior provides a complete update of Anderson's Theory of the Earth, including many new sections, figures and tables.
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