Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Introduction to Python Programming (Udayan Das, et al.) Post under Python Programming
This book provides a comprehensive foundation in programming concepts and skills, teaches basic programming concepts, problem-solving skills, and the Python language using hands-on activities.
An Introduction to R and Python for Data Analysis Post under Data Analysis, R Programming, Python Programming
This book helps teach students to code in both R and Python simultaneously. The book is written in an engaging, collaborative style that makes it enjoyable to read. It maintains its formality without creating a barrier between the reader and the content.
Modeling Neural Circuits Made Simple with Python Post under Computational Modeling, Python Programming, Neural Networks
An accessible undergraduate textbook in Computational Neuroscience that provides an introduction to the mathematical and computational modeling of neurons and networks of neurons in Python. Build a foundation for modeling Neural Circuits.
The Linux Programming Interface: System Programming Post under Unix/Linux Programming - System and Applications
This book is the definitive guide to the Linux and UNIX programming interface - the interface employed by nearly every application that runs on a Linux or UNIX system. It provides detailed descriptions of the system calls and library functions.
Lecture Notes on Embedded System Design (N. Suresh) Post under Embedded and Reatime Systems
Deals with all the practical aspects involved in designing embedded systems. Emphasizes on architecture, compilers and models of various embedded system designs, embedded hardware support, programming abstractions and real time systems.
Principles of Verifiable RTL Design: Verification in Verilog Post under Electronics Design and Hardware Description Language (HDL)
Explains how you can write Verilog to describe chip designs at the Register-Transfer Level (RTL) in a manner that cooperates with verification processes, based on the reality that comes from actual large-scale product design process and tool experience.
Modern Statistics with R: Wrangling, Inference and Predicting Post under Statistics and R Programming
The aim of the book is to introduce you to key parts of the modern statistical toolkit. It teaches you: - Data wrangling - importing, formatting, reshaping, merging, and filtering data in R.
Location-Based Information Systems: Real-Time Tracking Apps Post under Geographic Information System (GIS)
The book provides information and examples for creating real-time Location-Based Information Systems (LBIS) based on GPS-enabled cellular phones. covers all of the components needed to develop an LBIS.
Number Theory and Geometry: Arithmetic Geometry Post under Number Theory and Geometry
Geometry and the theory of numbers are as old as some of the oldest historical records of humanity. This book is an introduction to number theory and Arithmetic Geometry, and the goal of the text is to use geometry as the motivation to prove the main theorems.
Hack, Hack, Who's There? A Gentle Introduction to Model Theory Post under Mathematical Logic - Computability, Model Theory, etc
The skeleton of this narrative nonfiction book is a science fiction story without the usual mangling of physics. The flesh is composed of self-contained non-technical mainstream explanations and examples of the field of mathematics called Model Theory.
Data Science for Wind Energy (Yu Ding) Post under Data Science and Data Engineering
This book provides an in-depth discussion on how data science methods can improve decision making for wind energy applications, near-ground wind field analysis and forecast, turbine power curve fitting and performance analysis, etc.
The Fundamentals of People Analytics: With Applications in R Post under Data Analysis and R Programming
Human capital is an organization’s most important asset. Address this need by curating key concepts spanning the entire analytics lifecycle, along with step-by-step instructions for their applications to real-world problems, using open-source software.
Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials Post under Aeronautics, Aerospace, Aviation, etc.
This book provides an introduction to the discipline of aerospace structures and materials. It is the first book to date that includes all relevant aspects of this discipline within a single monologue.
Designing for Performance: Weighing Aesthetics and Speed Post under Website Style, Design and Accessibility
As a web designer, you encounter tough choices when it comes to weighing aesthetics and performance. This book helps you approach projects with page speed in mind, showing you how to test and benchmark which design choices are most critical.
Introduction to Calculus (J. H. Heinbockel) Post under Calculus and Mathematical Analysis
This textbook is an introductory calculus presentation intended for future scientists and engineers. Be sure that you have had the appropriate background material of algebra and trigonometry.
blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown (Yihui Xie, et al) Post under R Programming and Web Programming
Provides a practical guide for creating websites using the blogdown package in R. Use dynamic R Markdown documents to build static websites with automatically rendered output such as graphics, tables, analysis results, and HTML widgets.
Python for Econometrics, Statistics, and Data Analysis Post under Python, Econometrics, Statistics, Data Analysis
This book is designed for someone new to statistical computing wishing to develop a set of skills necessary to perform original research for econometrics, statistics or general numerical analysis using Python.
Improving the Performance of Wireless LANs: A Practical Guide Post under Wireless and Mobile Communications
While there are countless books on wireless networks, few actually quantify the key performance-limiting factors of wireless local area networks (WLANs) and describe various methods for improving WLAN performance.
Particle Swarm Afternoon: A Guide for Software Developers Post under Optimization and Python Programming
Are you a software developer looking to harness the power of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to solve complex optimization problems? This book is your go-to resource for mastering this innovative and powerful technique.
Digitising the Industry: Internet of Things Connecting the Worlds Post under Internet of Things (IoT) and WSN
This book provides an overview of the current Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, ranging from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies in a global context.
C for Embedded Systems (Ir. Sofie Beerens) Post under C Programming and Embedded Systems
This book teaches you how to program embedded devices with the C programming language. It pulls back the curtain on what the compiler is doing for you so that you can see all the details of what's happening with your program.
Using R for Introductory Econometrics (Florian Heiss) Post under R Programming and Financial Mathematics
This book introduces the popular, powerful and free programming language and software package R, focuses on implementation of standard tools and methods used in econometrics.
Physics-Based Deep Learning (Nils Thuerey, et al.) Post under Deep Learning and Computational Physics
This book contains a practical and comprehensive introduction of everything related to deep learning in the context of physical simulations, focuses on physical loss constraints, training algorithms tailored to physics problems.
Run and Jump: The Meaning of the 2D Platformer (Peter McDonald) Post under Computer and Video Game Programming
How abstract design decisions in 2D platform games create rich worlds of meaning for players. This book surveys the legacy of 2D platform games and examines how abstract and formal design choices have kept players playing.
People's Physics Book (James H. Dann, et al.) Post under Physics, General and Popular Science
This book provides a reference guide to the topics covered in most introductory physics courses. This book is geared towards students in a college-level introductory physics class, but can be used at the high school level.
Algorithms of Resistance (Tiziano Bonini, et al) Post under Algorithms and Data Structures
This book explores how people appropriate and reconfigure algorithms to pursue their objectives in three domains of everyday life: gig work, cultural industries, and politics.
Genetic Algorithm Afternoon: A Guide for Software Developers Post under Algorithms and Optimization
Are you a software developer looking to harness the power of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to solve complex optimization problems? This book is your go-to resource for mastering this innovative and powerful technique.
Applied Mathematics by Example (Jeremy Pickles) Post under Applied Mathematics
Stimulating, thought-provoking study shows how abstract methods of pure mathematics can be used to systematize problem-solving techniques in applied mathematics. Explaining the nature of applied mathematics.
Elements Of Map Projection: Map And Chart Construction Post under Geographic Information System (GIS)
The goal is to equip readers with the foundational knowledge of concepts they need to conceive, design, and produce maps in a legible, clear, and coherent manner, drawing from both classical and modern theory in cartography.
Embedded C Coding Standard (Michael Barr) Post under C Programming and Embedded Systems
This standard was developed to help firmware engineers minimize defects in embedded systems, focuses on practical rules that keep bugs out - including techniques designed to improve the maintainability and portability of embedded software.
Using R With Multivariate Statistics (Randall E. Schumacker) Post under R Programming and Statistics
This book is a quick guide to using R, free-access software available for Windows and Mac operating systems that allows users to customize statistical analysis, provides data analysis examples, R code, computer output, and explanation of results.
Information Theory for Data Science (Changho Suh) Post under Information Theory and Data Science
This book aims at demonstrating modern roles of Information Theory in a widening array of data science applications, focuses on applications that arise in data science, including social networks, ranking, and machine learning.
Exercises and Problems in Linear Algebra (John M Erdman) Post under Linear and Matrix Algebra
This book contains an extensive collection of exercises and problems that address relevant topics in linear algebra. The exercises will be both interesting and helpful to an average student.
Mathematics for Game Developers (Denny Burzynski) Post under Game Programming and Applied Mathematics
This book explores the mathematics behind how scenes appear, characters move, and action evolves. The basic ideas of how mathematical instruments control action and motion in the games you develop.
Essentials of Compilation: An Incremental Approach in Python Post under Compiler/Interpreter and Python Programming
A hands-on approach to understanding and building compilers using Python. Explains the essential concepts, algorithms, and data structures that underlie modern compilers and lays the groundwork for future study of advanced topics.
Using Python for Introductory Econometrics (Florian Heiss, et al.) Post under Python Programming and Financial Mathematics
This book introduces the popular, powerful and free programming language and software package Python, focuses on implementation of standard tools and methods used in econometrics.
FortiGate Firewall: Practical Guidance and Hands-On Labs Post under Networks Security and Computer Security
This book explains step-by-step how to configure a FortiGate firewall in the network. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and contains step-by-step explanations for GNS3 beginners on how to build different security scenarios from scratch.
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