JavaScript (jQuery, Node.js, CoffeeScript, etc.) - Free Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical Books, Lecture Notes and Tutorials
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JavaScript (jQuery, Node.js, CoffeeScript, etc.)
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Ajax and Web 2.0 Books Web Programming Books
Semantic Web and Web 3.0 Books HTML, HTML5, XHTML, and DHTML Books
O'Reilly® JavaScript Enlightenment: From Library User to JavaScript Developer ©2013 (Cody Lindley)
O'Reilly® Developing Backbone.js Applications ©2013 (Addy Osmani)
O'Reilly® Interactive Data Visualization for the Web: An Introduction to D3 ©2013 (Scott Murray)
O'Reilly® Learning JavaScript Design Patterns ©2012 (Addy Osmani)
O'Reilly® The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript ©2012 (Axel Rauschmayer)
The Node Beginner Book: A Comprehensive Node.js Tutorial ©2012 (Manuel Kiessling)
O'Reilly® The Little Book on CoffeeScript ©2012 (Alex MacCaw)
O'Reilly® Up and Running with Node.js: Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript ©2012 (Hughes-Croucher)
DOM Enlightenment: Exploriing the Relationship between JavaScript and the Modern HTML DOM ©2012 (Cody Lindley)
Mixu's Node Book: A Book About Using Node.js ©2012 (Mikito Takada)
HTML Canvas Deep Dive ©2012 (Josh Marinacci) Backbone Tutorials ©2012 (Thomas Davis)
JavaScript: The Right Way ©2012 (William Oliveira) Knockout.js Succinctly ©2012 (Ryan Hodson)
Smooth CoffeeScript ©2012 (E. Hoigaard) Testing with CoffeeScript ©2012 (Jack Franklin)
JavaScript Succinctly ©2012 (Cody Lindley) CoffeeScript Cookbook ©2012 (David Brady, et al)
jQuery Succinctly ©2012 (Cody Lindley) Building A JavaScript Framework ©2010 (Alex Young)
O'Reilly® What Is Node? JavaScript Breaks Out of the Browser ©2011 (Brett McLaughlin)
WordPress and Ajax: An In-depth Guide on Using Ajax with WordPress ©2011 (Ronald Huereca, et al)
O'Reilly® Dojo: The Definitive Guide ©2008-2011 (Matthew A. Russell)
jQuery Fundamentals ©2011 (Rebecca Murphey) JavaScript Reference by Mozilla (2012)
Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ©2010 (Jonathan Stark)
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ©2010 (Jonathan Stark) 224 pages
Essential JavaScript and JQuery Design Patterns ©2010 (Addy Osmani)
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming ©2007-2010 (Marijn Haverbeke)
The Web Book: the Ultimate Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL ©2010
JavaScript Essentials ©2010 (Neil Smyth) JavaScript Examples Tutorial (John W. M. Russell)
O'Reilly® Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) for JavaScript Developers Guide ©2007 (Mike Chambers, et al)
Simply JavaScript ©2007 (Kevin Yank and Cameron Adams)
ppk on JavaScript ©2006 (Peter-Paul Koch) The Javascript Reference Series ©2007 (Patrick Hunlock)
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours, 4th Edition ©2006 (Michael Moncur)
O'Reilly® JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition ©2002 (David Flanagan)
Advanced JavaScript Tutorial [Links] DOM (Document Object Model) Reference
Gecko DOM Reference [Mirror] DHTML DOM Objects Reference
From DHTML to DOM Scripting (Chris Heilmann) [Tips] The JavaScript Diaries (Lee Underwood) [Part 15]
JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming (Ryan Frishberg) [Part 2]
Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript - Extending Objects and Classes [Methods] [Inheritance]
Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript, Part I: Inheritance [Part II: Methods] [Part III: Classical Inheritance]
Higher Order Programming in JavaScript Event Handlers and Callback Functions
Client-Side JavaScript 1.5 Guide [Mirror] [Mirror] Client-Side JavaScript 1.5 Reference [Mirror] [Mirror]
Client-Side JavaScript 1.3 Guide Client-Side JavaScript 1.3 Reference [Mirror] [Mirror]
JavaScript Reference [Another] [Quick] JavaScript Authoring Guide
Anatomy of a Drag and Drop A Complete JavaScript Tutorial
Mozilla's JavaScript Guide The Ugly JavaScript Book
Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript for the Total Non-Programmer
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