Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
The Linux Command Handbook (Flavio Copes)
This book covers 60 core Bash commands you will need as a developer. Each command includes example code and tips for when to use it, follows the 80/20 rule: you'll learn 80% of a topic in around 20% of the time you spend studying it.
Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection
This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the both biometrics and media forensics fields.
Competitive Programmer's Handbook (Antti Laaksonen)
This book is an introduction to computer programming using using any of a variety of programming languages, including C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Swift for writing programmes, and to solid, fundamental programming principles.
Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies
The book explores the technical as well as cultural imaginaries of programming from its insides, introduces and demonstrates the reflexive practice of aesthetic programming, engaging with learning to program as a way to understand and question.
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding Security Flaws
Discuss the step-by-step techniques for attacking and defending the range of ever-evolving web applications. The resource on the critical topic of discovering, exploiting, and preventing web application security flaws.
The Hacker's Underground Handbook (David Melnichuk)
This book will put you into a hacker's mindset and teach you all of the hacker's secret ways. It introduces you to many topics like programming, Linux, password cracking, network hacking, Windows hacking, wireless hacking, web hacking and malware.
The Hacker's Handbook: Breaking into and Defending Networks
This book reveals the technical aspects of hacking that are least understood by network administrators by analyzing subjects through a hacking/security dichotomy that details hacking maneuvers and defenses in the same context.
Gray Hat Hacking: the Ethical Hackers Handbook (Allen Harper)
This book shows, step by step, how to fortify computer networks by learning and applying effective Ethical Hacking techniques. clearly explains the enemy's devious weapons, skills, and tactics and offers field-tested remedies, case studies, and testing labs.
O'Reilly® Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools
Several resources exist for individual pieces of this data science stack, but only with the Python Data Science Handbook do you get them all - IPython, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and other related tools.
The InfoSec Handbook: An Introduction to Information Security
This book offers the reader an organized layout of information that is easily read and understood. Allowing beginners to enter the field and understand the key concepts and ideas, while still keeping the experienced readers updated on topics and concepts.
The CSS Handbook (Flavio Copes)
This book to help you quickly learn CSS and get familiar with the advanced CSS topics. It is aimed at a vast audience, from beginners to professionals. It talks exclusively about styling HTML documents, although CSS can be used to style other things too.
Handbook of Applied Cryptography (Alfred J. Menezes, et al)
This book is an incredible achievement. If you want to check what problems there were with a proposed system, determine how the variations on a particular algorithm developed, see what research preceded and followed an idea, go to the Handbook.
The TypeScript Handbook (Microsoft)
Intended to be a comprehensive document that explains TypeScript to everyday programmers. Read it by going from top to bottom in the left-hand navigation. Each chapter or page to provide you with a strong understanding of the given concepts.
The Python Handbook (Flavio Copes)
Whether you have never written a line of code or you have some programming experience, this book is the right choice because it will inevitably put you in front of new, high-paying job opportunities, ...
The Java Web Scraping Handbook (Kevin Sahin)
This book will teach you how to extract data from any website, how to deal with AJAX / Javascript heavy websites, break captchas, deploy your scrapers in the cloud and many other advanced techniques, using Java programming language.
Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization (Roberto Tamassia)
This book provides a broad, up-to-date survey of the field of graph drawing. It covers topological and geometric foundations, algorithms, software systems, and visualization applications in business, education, science, and engineering.
Handbook of Software Engineering Methods (Lara Letaw)
This book demystifies the software engineering methodologies and techniques that professional developers use to design and build robust, efficient, and consistently reliable software.
Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering (Michael R. Lyu)
This book is the definitive guide to today's most-used software reliability techniques and solutions, contributed by the worlds leading reliability experts. It takes you step by step through software reliability measurement and prediction.
FreeBSD Handbook (Murray Stokely, et al.)
The book is the definitive FreeBSD tutorial and reference. It provides step by step instructions and installing FreeBSD on a PC, setting up a graphical desktop environment, and installing additional third party software.
Operating Systems Handbook: Unix, Openvms, Os/400, Vm, MVS
This book will help readers who are experts using one of the five most popular mainframe and mid-range operating systems become skilled users of the other four. Includes concise tutorials, step-by-step examples and quick-reference material.
The Data Science Handbook: Advice and Insights
This book covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data with R. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling commences and can help inform the development of more complex statistical models.
O'Reilly® The Data Journalism Handbook (Jonathan Gray, et al.)
This book is intended to be a useful resource for anyone who thinks that they might be interested in becoming a data journalist, or dabbling in Data Dournalism, aims to answer questions like: Where can I find data? How can I request data? etc.
School of Data Handbook
This textbook will provide the detail and background theory to support the Data Science courses and challenges. It will guide you through the key stages of a data project. These stages can be thought of as a pipeline, or a process.
The Vue Handbook: a thorough introduction to Vue.js
This book arms you with practical solutions to common tasks when building an application using Vue.js, by exploring the fundamentals of Vue.js: its reactivity system, data-binding syntax, and component-based architecture through practical examples.
The Node.js Handbook (Flavio Copes)
This book is a practical, project-based book that provides you with all you need to get started as a Node.js developer. It cuts through the mass of information available around Node and delivers the essential skills that you need to become a Node developer.
The Biostar Handbook (Dr. Istvan Albert)
This practical book introduces readers to bioinformatics, the scientific discipline at the intersection of biology, computer science, and statistical data analytics dedicated to the digital processing of genomic information.
The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook (Rob Zwetsloot)
Discover the true potential of Raspberry Pi with the new, official Handbook. With over 200 pages of amazing projects, fun tutorials, practical guides, and clear reviews, it has everything you need to master Raspberry Pi!
The UNIX Hater's Handbook (Simson Garfinkel, et al)
This book is for all people who are forced to use UNIX. It is a humorous book - pure entertainment - that maintains that UNIX is a computer virus with a user interface. It is a self-help book that will let readers know they are not alone.
The Debian Administrator's Handbook (Raphael Hertzog, et al)
This book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independent Debian GNU/Linux administrator. It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master.
The SysAdmin Handbook -The Best of Simple Talk SysAdmin
This books covers every aspect of the Microsoft Exchange Servers administration in depth. it will be an essential reference for any Systems Administrator, whether you have years of experience or are just starting out.
DB2 Express-C: The Developer Handbook (Whei-Jen Chen, et al)
This book provides fundamentals of DB2 application development with DB2 Express-C, covers the DB2 Express-C installation and configuration for application development and skills and techniques for building DB2 applications with XML, PHP, C/C++, Java, and .NET.
Internetwork Technology Handbook (Cisco Systems)
This book is a comprehensive reference that enables networking professionals to understand and implement contemporary internetworking technologies. Master the terms, concepts, technologies, and devices used in today's networking industry.
A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (Brian S. Everitt, et al)
This book is the perfect guide for newcomers as well as seasoned users of R who want concrete, step-by-step guidance on how to use the software easily and effectively for nearly any statistical analysis.
Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning: The Handbook
This book aims to present the statistical foundations of machine learning intended as the discipline which deals with the automatic design of models from data. All the examples are implemented in the statistical programming language R.
Engineering Statistics Handbook (NIST/SEMATECH)
The goal of this handbook is to help scientists and engineers incorporate statistical methods in their work as efficiently as possible.
The Radio Amateur's Handbook (A. Frederick Collins)
This books delivers all the guidance you need - from radio and electronics fundamentals needed to set up a transmitter to the newest equipment to revisions to the Federal Communications Commission rules and tests.
The Ham Radio Handbook (Donald L. Stoner, et al.)
This concise yet comprehensive manual has provided all you need to know about the Ham Radio even as an absolute beginner. It contains practical step by step guide on how you can become an expert.
Op Amp Applications Handbook (Walt Jung)
This book is a complete and up-to-date Op Amps reference for electronics engineers from the most famous op amp guru, supported by Analog Devices marketing efforts. It may well be the ultimate op amp reference book available.
The Data Conversion Handbook (Walt Kester)
This book is a one-stop engineering reference. Covering data converter fundamentals, techniques, applications, and beginning with the basic theoretical elements necessary for a complete understanding of data converters, this reference covers all the latest advances.
VHDL Handbook (Hardi Electronics)
This book has become a standard reference in the industry for learning the features of VHDL and using it to verify hardware designs, with many complete examples used to illustrate the features of the VHDL language.
Computer Security Handbook (Seymour Bosworth, et al.)
This handbook has compiled advice about how to minimize the possibility of computer security breaches in your systems. It provides comprehensive best guidance about how to minimize hacking, fraud, human error, the effects of natural disasters, and more.
Handbook of Information Security Management (Micki Krause)
Bringing together the knowledge, skills, techniques, and tools required of IT security professionals, it facilitates the up-to-date understanding required to stay one step ahead of evolving threats, standards, and regulations.
Mobile Forensics - The File Format Handbook
It summarizes knowledge about several file systems and file formats commonly used in mobile devices. The aim is to act as a knowledge base and reference guide for digital forensic practitioners who need knowledge about a specific file system or file format.
Handbook of Forensic Science (FBI)
This book seeks to familiarize the investigator with these techniques and to make known the capabilities and the limitations of the crime laboratory. It is a vital element in our criminal justice system.
The Android Game Developer's Handbook (Avisekhar Roy)
This book is ideal for any game developer, with prior knowledge of developing games in Android. A good understanding of game development and a basic knowledge on Android platform application development and JAVA/C++ will be appreciated.
Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine (Vivienne Lo, et al.)
This book is an extensive, interdisciplinary guide to the nature of traditional medicine and healing in the Chinese cultural region, and its plural epistemologies. It will be of interest to practitioners, patients and specialists, etc.
Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA, David Soucie)
This book is a great study guide for current pilots and for potential pilots who are interested in applying for their first license. It provides information on every topic needed to qualify for and excel in the field of aviation.
Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA)
This book addresses this safety-crucial topic and in studying this handbook, pilots and Aviation Maintenance Technicians (AMTs) will gain the necessary knowledge on the subject of aircraft weight and balance, in preparation for safe flight and maintenance operations.
Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA)
This book is a technical reference manual for professional pilots who operate under instrument flight rules (IFR), with coverage of instrument charts and procedures for IFR takeoff, departure, en route, arrival, approach, and landing.
Occupational Outlook Handbook (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
The profiles featured here cover hundreds of occupations and describe What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. Each profile also includes BLS employment projections.
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