Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Foundations of Large Language Models (Tong Xiao, et al.) Post under Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
This is a book about Large Language Models (LLM). It primarily focuses on foundational concepts rather than comprehensive coverage of all cutting-edge technologies: pre-training, generative models, prompting techniques, and alignment methods.
Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice (Rajib Mall) Post under Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems
This book is a comprehensive text for the design of safety critical, hard real-time embedded systems. It offers a splendid example for the balanced, integrated treatment of systems and software engineering, etc.
Mastering Embedded Programming Languages for Engineers Post under Embedded Systems, C++ Programming, C Programming
This book explores various programming languages such as C, C++, and assembly language, and discussed their strengths and weaknesses in the context of embedded systems.
Object-Oriented Programming in Python (M. H. Goldwasser) Post under Python Programming, Object-Oriented (OOD/OOP), Computer Programming
An intuitive and thorough guide to mastering object-oriented programming from the ground up. Cover the basics of building classes and creating objects, and put theory into practice with clear examples that help visualize the object-oriented style.
The Concise TypeScript Book (Steve Fenton) Post under TypeScript and JavaScript
This book provides a comprehensive and succinct overview of TypeScript's capabilities. It offers clear explanations covering all aspects found in the latest version of the language, from its powerful type system to advanced features.
The Digital Storytelling Handbook (Jordan Schugar, et al.) Post under Miscellaneous Books
This book is designed to provide an introduction to digital storytelling and its multifaceted applications. It gives storytellers practical tools to help them think about different reasons for making digital stories and different ways to think.
Tea Time Linear Algebra: Explorations in Mathematics Post under Linear and Matrix Algebra
Presented in a conversational style with plenty of motivation, illustrations, applications, and theory, this textbook should be a comfortable read for most beginning mathematicians.
Write You a Haskell: Building a Modern Functional Compiler Post under Compiler Construction, Haskell Programming, Functional Programming
We will build a small functional language called Fun which is a partial Haskell toy language. The knowledge to build such a modern functional language is not widely disseminated among many programmers.
Mastering Enterprise Networks (Mathew J. Heath Van Horn) Post under Computer Networks and Data Communications
This book is a comprehensive guide to building, defending, and attacking enterprise networks. It covers a wide range of topics, from network fundamentals to advanced security concepts.
Radio Systems Engineering (Steven W. Ellingson) Post under Radio and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
Using a systems framework, this book provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the performance, analysis, and design of radio systems for students and practicing engineers.
The Data Renaissance: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Beyond Post under Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
This open access book is a comprehensive exploration into the pivotal role of data in shaping our contemporary society. The variety of topics and examples provided on the general topic are a highlight.
Digital Cartography (Dorris Scott) Post under Geographic Information System (GIS)
This book will cover foundational Cartographic principles that is needed to make effective maps. It will go over such concepts as data, lettering, along with multivariate and uncertainty visualization.
Discrete Mathematics with SageMath: Learn Math with Software Post under Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Software
This book is intended to provide concise and complete instructions on how to use different SageMath functions to solve problems in Discrete Mathematics. The goal is to streamline the learning process, helping students focus more on mathematics.
Python Jupyter Notebooks for College Math Teachers Post under Python Programming and Mathematics Education
This book is an introduction to the use of Python Jupyter Notebooks (JNBs) for college math teachers and their students. Each section of the book has been written in the form of a Jupyter Notebook and can be downloaded.
Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing (Jos van Kan) Post under Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
This is a book about numerically solving partial differential equations occurring in technical and physical contexts and the authors have set themselves a more ambitious target than to just talk about the numerics.
Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics (Jules Damji, et al.) Post under Big Data, Data Analysis/Mining, Data Science
This book shows data engineers and data scientists why structure and unification in Apache Spark matters. Specifically, it explains how to perform simple and complex data analytics and employ machine learning algorithms.
Learning Apache Spark with Python (Wenqiang Feng) Post under Big Data, Python Programming, Data Analysis/Mining, Data Science
This book offers an introduction to the Apache Spark ecosystem, you will learn a wide array of concepts about PySpark in Data Mining, Text Mining, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
Dynamic Programming (Thomas J. Sargent, et al.) Post under Optimization, Operations Research (OR), Linear Programming
This book is about Dynamic Programming and its applications in economics, finance, and adjacent fields. It brings together recent innovations in the theory of dynamic programming and provides applications and code.
Introduction to Data Science Using Python (Afrand Agah) Post under Python Programming and Data Science
Dive into the transformative world of Data Science with this comprehensive guide, focusing on Python's application in data science rather than broad software development. Utilizes statistics to accomplish data-driven resolutions.
When Arguments Merge (Elise Newman) Post under Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
A novel theory of argument structure based on the order in which verbs and their arguments combine across a variety of languages and language families. Merge is the structure-building operation in Chomsky's Minimalist Program.
Nutrition: Science and Everyday Application (Alice Callahan, et al.) Post under General Science and Miscellaneous Books
What comes to mind when you think of food? What does it mean to you? This book helps readers develop the scientific understanding to support their personal and professional decisions.
Computing Legacies: Digital Cultures of Simulation (Peter Krapp) Post under History of Computing, Computational Simulations and Modeling
This book explores a media history of simulation to excavate three salient aspects of digital culture, profiles simulation as cultural technique, enabling symbolic work and foregrounding hypothetical literacy.
Fantasies of Virtual Reality: Untangling Fiction, Fact, and Threat Post under Virtual Reality and Virtual Worlds
Virtual Reality is the next new frontier for Silicon Valley. The fantasies that underpin common perceptions of Virtual Reality - and what we need to know about VR’s potential risks as well as its opportunities.
Plenoptic Imaging and Processing (Lu Fang) Post under Computer Vision and Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
This open access book delves into the fundamental principles and cutting-edge techniques of plenoptic imaging and processing. Plenoptic imaging aims to detect and reconstruct multidimensional and multiscale information from light rays in space.
Model-Based Engineering of Collaborative Embedded Systems Post under Embedded Systems
Presents the results of the "Collaborative Embedded Systems" (CrESt) project, aimed at adapting and complementing the methodology underlying modeling techniques developed to cope with the challenges of collaborative embedded systems (CESs)
A Journey of Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems (J. Chen) Post under Embedded Systems
This Open Access book provides a comprehensive view from leading researchers with respect to the past, present, and future of the design of embedded and cyber-physical systems.
Computational Cognitive Modeling and Linguistic Theory Post under Computational Linguistics
This open access book introduces a general framework that allows natural language researchers to enhance existing competence theories with fully specified performance and processing components.
Deep Learning based Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery Post under Deep Learning and Neural Networks
Proposes a novel deep learning based detection method, focusing on vehicle detection in aerial imagery recorded in top view. A lightweight CNN architecture is proposed as base architecture and a novel module that restricts the search area is introduced.
Artificial Intelligence - Intelligent Art? Post under Artificial Intelligence (AI)
As algorithmic data processing increasingly pervades everyday life, it is also making its way into the worlds of art, literature and music. In doing so, it shifts notions of creativity and evokes non-anthropocentric perspectives on artistic practice.
Neural Networks (Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, et al) Post under Neural Networks
An elegant, compact book that renders visible the too-often naturalized equation of brain and computer. A critical examination of the figure of the neural network as it mediates neuroscientific and computational discourses and technical practices.
Python for Science and Engineering (Hans-Petter Halvorsen) Post under Python Programming
This book offers a quick and incisive introduction to Python programming for anyone. It has carefully developed a concise approach to using Python in any discipline of science and engineering, with plenty of examples, practical hints, and insider tips.
Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Algorithms (Alekh Agarwal) Post under Reinforcement Learning
The purpose of the course is to give an overview of the Reinforcement Learning (RL) methodology, particularly as it relates to problems of optimal and suboptimal decision and control, as well as discrete optimization.
A Primer on Database Replication (Brian Storti) Post under Database Theory and Systems
Replicating a database can make our apps faster and increase our tolerance to failures, but there are a lot of different options available and each one comes with a price tag. Reduce the effort in the Database Replication work to be done to get problems solved.
Using The FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel: A Practical Guide Post under Real-Time Systems, Embedded Systems, Microcontrollers, etc.
This is a concise, step by step, 'hands on' guide that describes both general multitasking concepts and FreeRTOS specifics. It presents and explains numerous examples that are written using the FreeRTOS API.
Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051 (Dogan Ibrahim) Post under Microcontrollers, etc., C Programming, Embedded Systems
Explore the 8051 and discover C programming through project work. Through graded projects, it introduces the reader to the fundamentals of microelectronics, the 8051 family, programming in C, and the use of a C compiler.
Scientific Computing with MATLAB (Paul Gribble) Post under MATLAB Programming, Mathematical Software
The goal of this book is to provide you with skills in scientific computing: tools and techniques that you can use in your own scientific research. We will focus on learning to think about experiments and data in a computational framework.
Data Science From Scratch (Steven Cooper) Post under Data Science, Data Analysis, Python Programming
The main goal is to help people take the best actionable steps possible towards a career in data science. For Everything A Data Scientist Needs to Know: Python, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Coding, Applications, Neural Networks, and Decision Trees.
Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API (Marinko Spasojevic, et al.) Post under Microsoft .NET Programming, C# Programming, Web API
Build fully-featured APIs with ASP.NET Core! This all-practical guide is written like a real development project, taking you hands-on with modern APIs utilizing REST and GraphQL standards.
Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics, Machine Learning Post under Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Robotics
This book provides the mathematical fundamentals of linear algebra to practicers in computer vision, machine learning, robotics, applied mathematics, and electrical engineering.
Digital Systems Design Using Verilog (Charles Roth, et al.) Post under Electronics Circuit Design, Verilog, Electronic Engineering
Integrate coverage of logic design principles, Verilog as a hardware design language, and FPGA implementation. Present Verilog constructs side-by-side with hardware, encouraging you to think in terms of desired hardware while writing Verilog.
Fractals in Probability and Analysis (Christopher J. Bishop, et al.) Post under Fractal Geometry and Fractals on Sat Dec 23, 2023
This is a mathematically rigorous introduction to Fractals which emphasizes examples and fundamental ideas. Building up from basic techniques of geometric measure theory and probability. Chapters are designed to be read independently.
COBOL Programmer's Guide and Reference (Micro Focus) Post under COBOL Programming on Sat Dec 23, 2023
This book is a comprehensive guide designed to engage and empower readers, ensuring they not only learn COBOL but also stay curious and eager to explore its depths. You'll never feel overwhelmed as you gradually build your COBOL skills.
The Sound of Innovation: The Computer Music Revolution Post under Computer, Digital, and Mathematical Music on Sat Dec 30, 2023
This book chronicles the history of Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), tracing its origins in Stanford's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory through its present-day influence on Silicon Valley and digital music groups worldwide.
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (Jan Larsen, et al.) Post under Neural Networks and Deep Learning on Sat Dec 30, 2023
This fundamental book on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has its emphasis on clear concepts, ease of understanding and simple examples. It presents a large variety of standard neural networks with architecture, algorithms and applications.
The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Post under Physics and Quantum Computing on Sat Dec 30, 2023
This book presents the deterministic view of quantum mechanics developed by Nobel Laureate Gerard 't Hooft. The author gives examples of models that are classical in essence, but can be analysed by the use of quantum techniques.
Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems (Yousef Saad) Post under Numerical Analysis and Linear Algebra on Sat Jan 06, 2024
This book is intended for researchers in applied mathematics and scientific computing as well as for practitioners interested in understanding the theory of numerical methods used for eigenvalue problems.
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